
You are the friend you have been waiting for

Blog@Mindfulness and Self-Compassion


Jun 19, 2019, 5:28 AM
The practice of the self-compassion break is a simple way to introduce more kindness to yourself in a stressful moment when you need it most.
Nov 3, 2014, 3:33 AM
We can slow down the busy mind so we can get in touch with our heart. Our mind is busy chatting, thinking always. Instead, we can gently open to our awareness in the present. Regardless of the situation, we do not need to be constantly preoccupied by the details, the stories, the frustrations, the expectations. We can reduce the stress. The practices of mindfulness and self-compassion can bring back the beauty of the moment, savoring simply. Fortunately, there is an alternative to our constant mind chatter.